
November is Gratitude month

November 21, 2022

Gratitude is the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.  The Greater Good Science Center reports that, “people who practice gratitude report fewer symptoms of illness, and depression, have more optimism, happiness, and stronger relationships.”

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Keywords: gratitude

Managing Anger

November 14, 2022

Anger is a normal part of life. Things happen that irritate and frustrate us. When you or someone else is wronged. anger is a natural emotion. But allowing anger to fester and smolder rather than using appropriate and healthy ways of expressing it can be detrimental to everyone.

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Keywords: anger

International Stress Week

November 7, 2022

What are some things that give us a sense of purpose? Caring for someone who needs your help. Community volunteering. Or being part of a group that connects you with others such as a service club or a church. 

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Keywords: stress


November 4, 2022

Make sure you prioritize mental health by getting the sleep your body needs to do well. When you burn the candle at both ends you wind up lacking the bandwidth to be your best.

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Keywords: sleep


November 1, 2022

Since it's family story month I encourage you to strengthen practices in your home that foster a sense of belonging and emotional security. Make a safe space for family discussions. Eat meals together. Have a family game night once a month. 

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Keywords: family